Hi, I’m Rainbow.

So what is a Soul Doodle anyway? ⁣

I started making art as soon as I could hold a pencil at the age of three. It was always my favorite part of my school day and I would always make art in my free time. Using it as a way to get to know myself better, practice overcoming obstacles and expressing myself in a creative way has provided me with endless tools in life. I feel like as we get older, we sometimes forget the fun and magic of being alive. And I truly believe art is such a fundamental part of being human. With creating, we are destined to make mistakes. We drop our glue stick on the ground and a bunch of cat hair gets on it, we sneeze and our marker flies off the page…but learning to work with what gets thrown at us is the best way we can navigate challenges.

I feel like a forever student of life and I feel at my best when I’m learning a new skill or creating art from my heart. You can’t spell HEART without ART! I’ve always been good at working with children - I mean my name IS Rainbow after all! They are drawn to me and feel comfortable in my presence. I feel like a 7 year old in a 27 year old body sometimes, but also with tools and wisdom to carry out what I’ve learned from my own teachers. If I can inspire children to use their creative powers to enrich their life, then I’ve done my job.

Art triggers a response in our brain's reward system. The act of creating stimulates dopamine production, providing us with a sense of happiness and motivation to continue creating. So once the creativity flows, it just keeps going!

Are you having fun with it?

No? Then change direction!

Lean into mistakes

Lean into messes!

Lean into the uncertainty

Don’t know what to draw?

Just pick up a marker and make one line. Do a different line next to that line. Make a squiggle. Now make a whole page filled with different lines interacting with each other. Lean into the unknown. You’ve just made a soul doodle!

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